Thursday 27 March 2014

Arrested for a Crime in Florida: Contact Paul J. Donnelley, P.A

If you’ve been arrested for a crime in the Miami, Florida, area, the team at Paul J. Donnelley, P.A. suggests that you preserve your rights as guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution. Don’t resist arrest or be uncooperative, however, preserving your various rights is essential and doing so can have a huge influence on your success later in winning an acquittal, possible plea bargaining, or even possibly seeing charges dropped before you ever go to trial.

What to Do at First

If you are arrested for a crime, it is important to cooperate. Resisting arrest, giving false information regarding your identity, and other types of behavior of this kind will only complicate matters and can lead to additional charges.

When you are arrested, the Miranda warning will be read to you. The warning, which is given by an officer, informs you that you have the right to remain silent and that you are under no obligation to answer any questions posed by law enforcement. You’ll also be told that anything you say or doing during questioning may and will be used against you during your court case.

The law team at Paul J. Donnelley, P.A. strongly believes that everyone who is arrested must preserve their rights under Miranda, which are connected to the fact that the Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution protects everyone from offering incriminating evidence against him/herself.

Right to a Lawyer

Also as part of your Miranda warning, you’ll be told that you have the right to consult with a lawyer prior to any questioning by law enforcement, and that you have the right to have your lawyer present anytime you are interrogated. As it is with the other aspects of Miranda, you should be sure to utilize these rights.

Thus, as soon as you can after you are arrested either you or someone associated with you, such as a family member, should contact a criminal defense attorney. While waiting for your attorney to arrive and meet with you, you should not answer any questions posed by law enforcement.

What a Lawyer Will Do

When you contact a criminal defense from the team of Paul J. Donnelley, P.A., an attorney will arrive as soon as possible at the location where you are being detained. After arriving and determining what you have been charged with, they will meet with you. During that time, your lawyer will discuss the charges against you and make recommendations as to how how to proceed.

They will also accompany you during any interrogation proceedings, offering you legal counsel throughout the process and ensuring that your rights are protected. After initial questioning, your lawyer will represent you during every aspect of your case, working to preserve your rights, defending you, and seeking the best possible results in relationship to your situation.

We’ll Fight For You

If you have been arrested for a crime, the legal team at Paul J. Donnelley, P.A., in Miami, Florida, is ready to fight for you. Contact us at 305-757-3331, and one of our experienced, knowledgeable criminal defense lawyers will come to your aid.

Always remember that the U.S. Constitution protects you from incrimination, and your Miranda rights offer you very specific protections, which law enforcement must offer you. If in any manner your rights are violated during your arrest, it is important to inform your attorney of such, as this can result in charges being dropped.

Although you may be overwhelmed when arrested, preserve your rights. This can make a major in difference in your ability to receive the outcome you desire and deserve. You deserve every benefit the law affords you, and you, like everyone else, have the right to a fair trial.

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